اخبار محلية

اخبار اليمن US report: The Houthis believe they have a chance to take over all of Yemen

954 قراءه

2023-01-15 20:02:53

An American website saw that the appeal of the Houthi militia - the Iranian arm in Yemen - to negotiate a cease-fire in the country is "doomed to fail."

The American eurasia review website said, in a recent report, that "while Iran continues to supply the Houthis with constantly advanced weapons, and the Houthis continue to believe that they have a chance to overthrow the government and control all of Yemen, their appeal to negotiate another cease-fire appears doomed to failure."

"Meanwhile, Yemen's hopes for a peaceful long-term future are receding," he added.

 He pointed out that "the six months of the armistice in Yemen, from April to October 2022, was just a brief period to wait in the midst of an endless conflict, the main victims of which are the miserable Yemeni people."

The report said, "There are two main obstacles in the way of reaching a permanent peace settlement in Yemen: the first is the feeling that the Houthis, backed by advanced Iranian weapons, are increasingly empowered, while the second obstacle is the rupture of the coalition fighting them due to internal conflict."

He continued: “The truce was always a fragile agreement, and by the time the current extension ended, the situation had become too unstable to continue, ceasefire violations increased, talks aimed at reopening local roads stalled, and there was no agreement on how to pay the employees, many of whom had not been adequately compensated for years.

مشاهدة اخبار اليمن US report: The Houthis believe they have a chance to take over all of Yemen

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