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    اخبار اليمن UN report: 9 million beneficiaries of in-kind assistance and 12 million dollars in cash in Yemen during April

    834 قراءه

    2023-05-28 19:45:11

    The World Food Program report for the month of April 2023 on Yemen stated that food security in Yemen "improved slightly" during last March, after it remained stable at one indicator during the three months preceding it.

    The report added that this is due to the organization managing several shipments of wheat under the Black Sea initiative for Ukrainian wheat, the seventh batch of which arrived in Yemen on April 12, with a tonnage of 30,000 metric tons, and a total of 76,000 metric tons for the seven shipments.

    And the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced, earlier in May, that it had supplied Yemen with 24,000 metric tons of wheat as part of the King Salman Relief Center program.

    The World Food Program report said that nearly half of Yemenis with heads of household (46 percent nationally) reported that food consumption was insufficient during the past months, with critical rates of shortages in 15 of 22 governorates.

    The report indicated that the price of the food basket decreased during last March, and that the price of food decreased during the past year in Yemen by 8% in the liberated areas and 15% in the areas controlled by the Houthi militia, but these numbers contradict the actual prices of food commodities that are witnessing an increasing increase during the period. covered by the WHO report.

    It added that over the course of April, the World Food Program distributed relief aid to nearly 10.1 million people: 8.8 million people received in-kind food aid; and 1.3 million people received $11.7 million in cash transfers. In conjunction with the period covered by the report, the statements of international and UN officials, and the reports of international and local organizations, were full of complaints about the inability of relief organizations operating in Yemen to deliver aid to many of those who deserve it, putting the Houthi militia authorities at the head of the authorities that impede the arrival of aid to those who deserve it, which raises a lot. Among the questions about the large number of beneficiaries and the amounts of cash assistance mentioned in the report, more than 10 million beneficiaries and nearly $12 million in one month.

    Regarding the emergency response program, the report said that the aid distribution mechanism was developed based on several agreed-upon criteria for emergencies, including "community distress", and that six areas were identified to implement the integrated famine risk reduction mechanism, with a focus on nutrition, health, water and sanitation. and hygiene (washing). The number of beneficiaries of the emergency response program during April reached nearly 2.2 million children and pregnant and lactating women, according to the report.

    The UNICEF office in Yemen said in a tweet on Twitter, last Wednesday, that "nearly six million children in Yemen are only one step away from starvation, and they are in dire need of urgent support."

    The report said that the WFP's needs-based plan is funded by only 25%, and that it needs, during the next six months (June-November 2023), $1.06 billion in funding requirements, while the total contributions currently available to it amount to $6.2 million.

    The United Nations did not succeed in collecting financial pledges from donors for its relief plan in Yemen for the year 2023 at the last conference it held under Swedish-Swiss sponsorship, and the total pledges amounted to 1.16 billion dollars, compared to the amount it announced it needed, amounting to 4.3 billion US dollars.

    مشاهدة اخبار اليمن UN report: 9 million beneficiaries of in-kind assistance and 12 million dollars in cash in Yemen during April

    يذكر بـأن الموضوع التابع لـ اخبار اليمن UN report: 9 million beneficiaries of in-kind assistance and 12 million dollars in cash in Yemen during April قد تم نشرة ومتواجد على نيوز يمن وقد قام فريق التحرير في مصادر 24 بالتاكد منه وربما تم التعديل علية وربما قد يكون تم نقله بالكامل اوالاقتباس منه ويمكنك قراءة ومتابعة مستجدادت هذا الخبر او الموضوع من مصدره الاساسي.

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