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  • اخبار محلية

    اخبار اليمن Official documents reveal corruption of the World Food Program in Yemen

    858 قراءه

    2023-09-30 17:37:44

     Official documents revealed the extent of corruption within the World Food Program and its profit at the expense of the worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

     Documents show that expenditures for activities and programs have multiplied beyond the basic value of the programs themselves.

     Activists circulated a letter from the World Food Program addressed to the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, in which he confirmed that the cost of transporting 40,000 tons of wheat from Poland to Yemen amounts to $20 million, while information and sources confirm that the value of transporting wheat does not exceed $12 million.

    According to workers in civil society organizations, doubling operational expenses, such as: salaries, shipping, transportation, and distribution costs, was a deliberate approach taken by international humanitarian organizations in Yemen.

     This reveals the fate of donor funds that do not reach the main beneficiaries in Yemen, but rather go mostly to relief agency employees.

     Yemen received a grant from Poland consisting of 40,000 tons of wheat, which the government has not been able to transfer from Polish ports to Yemeni ports since last February.

    مشاهدة اخبار اليمن Official documents reveal corruption of the World Food Program in Yemen

    يذكر بـأن الموضوع التابع لـ اخبار اليمن Official documents reveal corruption of the World Food Program in Yemen قد تم نشرة ومتواجد على نيوز يمن وقد قام فريق التحرير في مصادر 24 بالتاكد منه وربما تم التعديل علية وربما قد يكون تم نقله بالكامل اوالاقتباس منه ويمكنك قراءة ومتابعة مستجدادت هذا الخبر او الموضوع من مصدره الاساسي.

    مصادر 24 قارئ إخباري مستقل حيث والمواد الواردة فيه لا تعبر عن رأي الموقع ولا يتحمل اي مسؤولية قانونية عنها  
    جميع الحقوق محفوظة لدى مصادر 24