اخبار محلية

اخبار اليمن Iran expert: Tehran will not abide by any agreements and exploit them to destabilize

1049 قراءه

2023-03-15 10:51:58

Jason Brodsky, director of policy at United Against Iran, said he did not believe Tehran would abide by any agreements, but rather exploit them to further destabilize.

The Iranian expert, Brodsky, was commenting on the Saudi-Iranian deal, which was brokered by China after four days of previously unannounced talks in Beijing between senior security officials from the two countries.

Brodsky said in a statement to "Newsyemen": "I do not think that Iran will abide by any agreements, but rather exploit them to further destabilize."

He added, "The agreement came as a result of the weak US position against Iran," noting that "the US failure to respond to the Khurais and Abqaiq attacks in 2019 had an important role."

In the context, Babak Taqvaei, an Iranian military expert in the field of aviation and defense, told NewsYemen that the Iranians will do anything to make the US policies and influence in the Middle East as weak as possible.

Taqvaei added, "The decline of American political hegemony and influence in the Middle East provided a good opportunity for China to fill the gap and for the Iranian regime to take advantage of China to fill that gap."

مشاهدة اخبار اليمن Iran expert: Tehran will not abide by any agreements and exploit them to destabilize

يذكر بـأن الموضوع التابع لـ اخبار اليمن Iran expert: Tehran will not abide by any agreements and exploit them to destabilize قد تم نشرة ومتواجد على نيوز يمن وقد قام فريق التحرير في مصادر 24 بالتاكد منه وربما تم التعديل علية وربما قد يكون تم نقله بالكامل اوالاقتباس منه ويمكنك قراءة ومتابعة مستجدادت هذا الخبر او الموضوع من مصدره الاساسي.

مصادر 24 قارئ إخباري مستقل حيث والمواد الواردة فيه لا تعبر عن رأي الموقع ولا يتحمل اي مسؤولية قانونية عنها  
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