اخبار محلية

Jawas: Marib is paying the price for "Islah" seizing the legitimacy decision and supporting the coalition

859 قراءه

2021-02-28 12:51:48

نيوز يمن - Jawas: Marib is paying the price for "Islah" seizing the legitimacy decision and supporting the coalition window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag( js , new Date()); gtag( config , UA-42101819-1 ); الرئيسية(current) مقالات(current) فيديو(current) أخبار مصورة(current) انفو جرافيك(current) اتصل بنا(current) English(current)
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Jawas: Marib is paying the price for "Islah" seizing the legitimacy decision and supporting the coalition

@ Aden, NewsYemen: English

2021-02-28 15:50:12

Political analyst, Muhammad Jawas, said that the Islah Party has sought since 2016 to impose de-facto authority in Marib, control the decisions of legitimacy, and seize the support of the Arab coalition.

إقرأ ايضاًمعركة مأرب.. ضربة قد تغيّر ديناميكية الصراع في اليمن كلياً

In a post on his Facebook account, Jawas reminded the interim president, Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, that what he called "the powerful forces of influence led by reform," warned him in 2016 not to take decisions to change the leaderships of Marib at the time.

Jawas said: As a reminder, Mr. President, in 2016, the influential forces in Marib, led by the Islah party, sent a message to your Excellency to warn you against issuing decisions for changes in the leaderships of Marib governorate without referring to them, and this has been done to them.

He added: At the same time, those forces refused to supply Marib's revenues and revenues to the government in Aden under the pretext of its need to cover the expenses of the war, even though the coalition at the beginning of the war was covering the expenses to and from and with an increase.

Gawas asked: Weren't those policies that were and still are policies that create (de facto authority) for those powers to impose themselves on the political decision of the nation-state and impose itself to seize and control all the coalition's support, to guarantee itself an inflated political presence at the table of a comprehensive international solution?

 He continued: Are these policies not completely identical to the policy approach of the Houthi coup militia that is destructive to the civilian nation-state, and Taiz is not far from what is happening in it as the results of the policies of those forces.

Jawas concluded by saying: In order for the battle of Marib (the battle of the entire Yemeni national civilian state) to remain, many matters must be corrected at the level of Marib, and even at the level of the state entity in all its joints.

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