اخبار محلية

In line with the Qatari trend: the Shalfi media person calls on Yemenis to submit to the Houthis

848 قراءه

2021-02-28 12:57:51

نيوز يمن - In line with the Qatari trend: the Shalfi media person calls on Yemenis to submit to the Houthis window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag( js , new Date()); gtag( config , UA-42101819-1 ); الرئيسية(current) مقالات(current) فيديو(current) أخبار مصورة(current) انفو جرافيك(current) اتصل بنا(current) English(current)
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In line with the Qatari trend: the Shalfi media person calls on Yemenis to submit to the Houthis

@ Aden, NewsYemen, Exclusive: English

2021-02-28 15:56:23

The Muslim Brotherhood's journalist on Al-Jazeera, Ahmed Al-Shalfi, on the Al-Jazeera Broadcast, provoked anger and anger among the Yemenis due to the prejudice he showed with the Houthis.

إقرأ ايضاًمعركة مأرب.. ضربة قد تغيّر ديناميكية الصراع في اليمن كلياً

Al-Shalfi responded to the presenter, Khadija Bin Qenna, in her question, "What are the alternatives to the war in Yemen? Will the Houthis accept the surrender of the capital to legitimacy?"

Al-Shalfi's answer came: Unfortunately, the map of the military conflict has changed, and it will impose a solution in Yemen.

The editor of Yemeni affairs in the Al-Jazeera Brotherhood channel and the vice-chairman of the board of directors of the Belqis channel, headed by activist Tawakkol Karman, said that the Houthis are now the strongest party and they have political and military papers, and they have supporters and the next negotiation will be arranged on this basis, calling on the Yemenis to accept the status quo.

Yemeni journalists and activists commented on Al-Shalfi’s speech by asking: Why did you revolutionary not accept the reality of Ali Abdullah Saleh’s judgment in the past, if the issue you have is so simple? And why are you in revolt until the Day of Judgment in front of the former regime, and before the Houthi, "the form of negotiation must be arranged on the basis of the shape of the military map ?!"

In the activists' posts, in response to the Shalfi, it was stated: "In your logic, ISIS must be accepted in Syria because it is a reality, and al-Qaeda in Libya must be accepted because it is a reality, and terrorist groups in the world must be accepted because it is a reality and they have power and weapons."

Ahmed Al-Shalfi is considered one of the close associates of the Qatari-supported Brotherhood activist Tawakkol Karman, and he worked with her in the so-called "February Revolution" on which the Al-Jazeera Brotherhood channel relied on preparing and reviewing media materials on Yemen. He is also the head of the Qatari-funded "Website Post" news website, appointed by Tawakkul Recently, her deputy on the board of directors of the "Belqis" channel, which broadcasts from Turkey with Qatari funding.

مصادر 24 قارئ إخباري مستقل حيث والمواد الواردة فيه لا تعبر عن رأي الموقع ولا يتحمل اي مسؤولية قانونية عنها  
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